"-fwrapv" option in gcc

"-fwrapv" option in gcc

c - What does -fwrapv do? - Stack Overflow

-fwrapv tells the compiler that overflow of signed integer arithmetic must be treated as well-defined behavior, even though it is undefined in the C standard.

It has two meaning full results:

  1. INT_MAX + 1 is overflowed to INT_MIN correctly. This is almost the default behavior in gcc.
  2. Don’t let the compiler assume x + 1 > x.

See the program below

╭─ycz at 9f38a58b120d in /home/dev 24-08-05 - 13:28:02
╰─○ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>

#define INT_MAX 0x7FFFFFFF

static int compare(int x) {return x + 1 > x;}

int main()
    int x = 0;
    printf("%d is bigger than %d?\n%d\n", x + 1, x, compare(x));
    x = INT_MAX;
    printf("%d is bigger than %d?\n%d\n", x + 1, x, compare(x));

    return 0;
╭─ycz at 9f38a58b120d in /home/dev 24-08-05 - 13:28:06
╰─○ gcc test.c && ./a.out 
1 is bigger than 0?
-2147483648 is bigger than 2147483647?
╭─ycz at 9f38a58b120d in /home/dev 24-08-05 - 13:28:13
╰─○ gcc test.c -fwrapv && ./a.out 
1 is bigger than 0?
-2147483648 is bigger than 2147483647?