Alice and Bob how to know whose number is bigger without giving away their own's

Alice and Bob how to know whose number is bigger without giving away their own's


Suppose Alice has number $i$ and Bob has number $j$ and $1\leq i,j \leq 9$. We need a protocol for them to decide whether $i < j$ in the end(aside from their own values)


Let $M$ be the set of all $N$-bit nonnegative integers

Let $Q_N$ be the set of all one-one and onto function from $M$ to $M$

  1. Alice generates a public key from $Q_N$, called $E_a$, and the inverse function of $E_a$ is $D_a$
  2. Bob picks a random value $x \in M$, compute $k = E_a(x)$, then send $k - j$ to Alice
  3. Alice computes $y_u=D_a(k - j + u)$ for $u = 1,2,\dots,9$
  4. Alice generates a random prime $p$ of $N/2$-bit, and computes $z_u=y_u(\mod p)$ for all $u$.
  5. Alice repeats step 4 until all $z_u$ differ by at least 2 in the $\mod p$ sense
  6. Alice sends the $p$ and $z_1,z_2,\dots,z_i,z_{i+1}+1,\dots,z_{9} +1$ (all in $\mod p$ sense)to Bob
  7. Bob looks at the $j$-th value(not counting p) sent from Alice, and decides that $i\geq j$ if it is equal to $x \mod p$, or $i<j$ otherwise