

  • slru用来干什么?
    • slru是一个简单的buffer管理模块,simple slru
  • 有了buffer pool manager,为什么还要slru?
    • bpm管理通用的page,比如heap,vm等
    • slru最大的特点就是lru,非常适合处理xid这样,递增的信息。
  • 下面的代码分析基于pg15






全局 buffer 数组
typedef struct SlruSharedData
	LWLock	   *ControlLock;

	/* Number of buffers managed by this SLRU structure */
	int			num_slots;

	 * Arrays holding info for each buffer slot.  Page number is undefined
	 * when status is EMPTY, as is page_lru_count.
	char	  **page_buffer;
	SlruPageStatus *page_status;
	bool	   *page_dirty;
	int		   *page_number;
	int		   *page_lru_count;
	LWLockPadded *buffer_locks;

    XLogRecPtr *group_lsn;
	int			lsn_groups_per_page;

	 * We mark a page "most recently used" by setting
	 *		page_lru_count[slotno] = ++cur_lru_count;
	 * The oldest page is therefore the one with the highest value of
	 *		cur_lru_count - page_lru_count[slotno]
	 * The counts will eventually wrap around, but this calculation still
	 * works as long as no page's age exceeds INT_MAX counts.
	int			cur_lru_count;
} SlruSharedData;


page_lru_count[slotno] = ++cur_lru_count;

同时每个page,都有状态标识,以在刷脏时,确定脏页。实际上这里没有脏页这个选项,因为只有 valid 状态的页才有可能是脏页,有包含关系。故在SlruSharedData 中使用 page_dirty 进行单独标识。

typedef enum
	SLRU_PAGE_EMPTY,			/* buffer is not in use */
	SLRU_PAGE_READ_IN_PROGRESS, /* page is being read in */
	SLRU_PAGE_VALID,			/* page is valid and not being written */
	SLRU_PAGE_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS /* page is being written out */
} SlruPageStatus;

关于为什么需要记录LSN信息 group_lsn:这与 WAL 设计有关。对于 WAL 而言,无论是同步提交或是异步提交,都需要在对应的 buffer page 落盘前落盘,所以 slru 也需要满足这样的规则。同时,可能是为了节约内存(节约的内存实在有限),或是减少WAL flush的调用次数以增加 IO 效率,slru的实现中并不记录每个buffer pageLSN,而是记录一组 pageLSN,在刷下一个 page 前,需要把一组 page 中最大的 LSN 前的 WAL 落盘。而这样的“一组”的长度,就为lsn_groups_per_page


 * SlruCtlData is an unshared structure that points to the active information
 * in shared memory.
typedef struct SlruCtlData
	SlruShared	shared;

	 * Decide whether a page is "older" for truncation and as a hint for
	 * evicting pages in LRU order.  
	bool		(*PagePrecedes) (int, int);

	 * Dir is set during SimpleLruInit and does not change thereafter. Since
	 * it's always the same, it doesn't need to be in shared memory.
	char		Dir[64];
} SlruCtlData;

初始化时,即返回一个SlruCtlDataDir 是初始化时的标记,不同模块会填充对应的名称。


  1. SimpleLruZeroPage:新增一个page
  2. SimpleLruReadPage :读一个page
  3. SimpleLruWritePage :写一个page


  • 选择一个空slot
/* Select the slot to re-use when we need a free slot. */
/* Control lock must be held at entry, and will be held at exit. */
static int
SlruSelectLRUPage(SlruCtl ctl, int pageno)
	for (;;)
		# return if we have such a slot
		# return if we have an empty slot "SLRU_PAGE_EMPTY"
		# select a lru slot
			# return it if it's clean. Or
			# victim it if dirty
	# loop end -- It's a very clever design to dealing with corner cases
	#             such as the victim page being re-dirtied while we wrote it.
  • 记录一个"most recently used"的page,cur_lru_count++ 并用其赋值
#define SlruRecentlyUsed(shared, slotno)	\
	do { \
		int		new_lru_count = (shared)->cur_lru_count; \
		if (new_lru_count != (shared)->page_lru_count[slotno]) { \
			(shared)->cur_lru_count = ++new_lru_count; \
			(shared)->page_lru_count[slotno] = new_lru_count; \
		} \
	} while (0)
  • 从磁盘中读取一个 page
    int	segno = pageno / SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
    SlruFileName(ctl, path, segno);

     * In a crash-and-restart situation, it's possible for us to receive
     * commands to set the commit status of transactions whose bits are in
     * already-truncated segments of the commit log
    fd = OpenTransientFile(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);
    if (fd < 0 && !InRecovery) ereport()

    pg_pread(fd, shared->page_buffer[slotno], BLCKSZ, offset)
  • 向磁盘中写入一个 page
    /* We must flush WAL before flush slru pages */
    if (shared->group_lsn != NULL)
        max_lsn = shared->group_lsn[lsnindex++];

    SlruFileName(ctl, path, segno);
    fd = OpenTransientFile(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | PG_BINARY);
    pg_pwrite(fd, shared->page_buffer[slotno], BLCKSZ, offset)
    /* Queue up a sync request for the checkpointer. */


  • 新增一个 page 到buffer。
/* Initialize (or reinitialize) a page to zeroes. */
SimpleLruZeroPage(SlruCtl ctl, int pageno)
	slotno = SlruSelectLRUPage(ctl, pageno);
	SlruRecentlyUsed(shared, slotno);

	# SlruSelectLRUPage may return a in-use page, we must clear it
	MemSet(shared->page_buffer[slotno], 0, BLCKSZ);

	SimpleLruZeroLSNs(ctl, slotno);
  • disk 中读取一个 page
/* Control lock must be held at entry, and will be held at exit. */
    #infinite loop
        slotno = SlruSelectLRUPage(ctl, pageno);
        # for in IO slots, just wait
        /* update in-memory status */
        shared->page_number[slotno] = pageno;
        shared->page_status[slotno] = SLRU_PAGE_READ_IN_PROGRESS;
        shared->page_dirty[slotno] = false;

        /* Acquire per-buffer lock and release control lock */
        LWLockAcquire(&shared->buffer_locks[slotno].lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

        ok = SlruPhysicalReadPage(ctl, pageno, slotno);

        /* re-acquire control lock */
        LWLockAcquire(shared->ControlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
        # others


  1. SlruSelectLRUPage 需要获取全局锁
  2. SimpleLruReadPage 中,先初始化内存,再获取 per-buffer 锁,同时释放 ControlLock

在看函数 SimpleLruZeroPage

/* Control lock must be held at entry, and will be held at exit. */
    slotno = SlruSelectLRUPage(ctl, pageno);
    shared->page_number[slotno] = pageno;
    shared->page_status[slotno] = SLRU_PAGE_VALID;
    shared->page_dirty[slotno] = true;

难道,一旦获取 ControlLock,即可对任意 slot 进行修改?

实际上,SimpleLruReadPage 读取的 page,必须已存在于磁盘(或者经由 WAL 来保证)。 而 SimpleLruZeroPage 所初始化的 page 必须不存在。从使用逻辑上保证二者不产生冲突。

  • SimpleLruWritePage(SlruInternalWritePage)
/* Control lock must be held at entry, and will be held at exit. */
    /* If a write is in progress, wait for it to finish */
    /* Do nothing if page is not dirty */

    /* update in-memory status */
    shared->page_status[slotno] = SLRU_PAGE_WRITE_IN_PROGRESS;
    shared->page_dirty[slotno] = false;

    /* Acquire per-buffer lock and release control lock */
    LWLockAcquire(&shared->buffer_locks[slotno].lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

    SlruPhysicalWritePage(ctl, pageno, slotno, fdata);

    /* re-acquire control lock */
    LWLockAcquire(shared->ControlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

    shared->page_status[slotno] = SLRU_PAGE_VALID;